Monday, April 27, 2009

Role call!

Short story to share before I get back to my oodles and becoodles of homework.

Hopefully you have seen Bring it On. I used to be really obsessed with that movie probably until 6th grade when I tried out for the cheerleading team...and didn't make it. Ha

Friday evening I had to go to a recital at UT so that I could write a review about it for Music Appreciation. This kid from my class was supposed to go with me but cancelled last minute. So then Mom was going to go with me but then she remembered that she had a meeting to go to. So I was looking through my phone at all the possibilities and I couldn't think of someone that wasn't busy or wouldn't want to shoot themselves if they came with. So number one you should be proud of me for going by myself because I usually need a wing man just go to the grocery store. Anyway, when I got there I found my seat (by myself) and got out my paper to take notes. There were quite a few people there but everyone was pretty spread out. As I watched the crowd I realized that pretty much everyone knew each other. Band geeks. Right before the recital started a guy sat in the seat right behind me. So as the music started and kept going I was taking notes. Paranoid me couldn't help but think that this guy was starring at what I was writing. I started thinking about in Bring it On when the two cheerleaders go to the other school to see the Clovers cheer at a basketball game.
So what I kept thinking was going happen was when I got up to leave I was going to be followed out to the parking lot and asked to had over my notes because obviously I was there stealing all the musical ideas to take back to my school.

Band geek #1: Hand it over!
Me: What are you talking about?
Band geek #2: The notes you were taking so that you can copy our performance.
Me: That's not what I was doing. I have to write a paper for class.
Band geek #3: Sure sure. We have seen your friends down here every week trying to steal what we got. Who do you think came up with Trumpet Cantata in B flat minor? Huh?! Not your lame school.
Me: Woah woah woah! I really wasn't stealing anything.
Band geek #1: Whatever! Just don't let us catch you here again.

It played out a little more dramatic in my head than I can actually explain but walking to my car was pretty scary. Luckily I made it.

The End.


  1. A very astute observation. :)

  2. I looove your imagination! Ha ha. Seriously.

  3. My favorite line in that movie is "Cheerleaders are dancers gone retarded."
