Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Guess what movie I watched.

If you said Lord of the Rings you would be correct. Specifically Two Towers. My favorite part of that movie would be the battle at Helms Deep. The way I like to look at it is that there are actually 3 different fights going on at one time. The main one at Helms Deep, the one with Sam and Frodo, and the one with the trees. They are all fighting totally different battles. They aren't even near any of the other battles but all three of them are important. All three of them effect or affect (whatever) the outcome of the movie. If any one of them had lost then the movie would have had a completely different ending. So when I place myself in the movie I like to see that yeah, we all have our own problems and "battles" but when you look at the big picture we are all fighting for the same thing. In the end the ring gets destroyed. We win!

But I think the most exciting part is when at Helms Deep it seems like the battle is over. Everyone has lost hope. Even King Theoden is ready to die. But genius Aragorn decides to take one last chance. He says lets ride out and face the evil. At this time the sun is rising. It's a new day. Then they remember what Gandalf had said. "Look to my coming on the first light of the fifth day, at dawn look to the east." And just like he had promised he was there with a huge army. There was still hope. Kind of like Heather posted about. It is a new day and there is still evil in this world but we have to ride out and face it. But we can also remember that there is hope. God promised to be there.

Maybe that doesn't make sense. But it kind of did to me.


  1. I love that movie.

  2. This is absolutely awesome. I love your perspective on the battles. Everything comes at us from different directions, but all of it, even the bad stuff, points to the same place. God uses all of it for His glory.

  3. That's pretty deep considering its the first time you have ever watched that movie. Ha ha.
