Monday, February 2, 2009

Last time it snowed I posted a picture of a snowman. I'm embarrassed to have called that a snowman. But I am not embarrassed to show you a picture of what I did today. Hannah and I hiked, okay drove, to the top of the hill and built our wonderful snowman. I'm pretty sure I have frostbite but it was worth it! Some might choose to point out that one arm is longer than the other or even that the carrot is only a baby one so it kind of isn't in proportion to its rather large head. Either way I like it. After all of our hard work the bullies in the neighborhood drove by on their four wheeler and knocked it down. Oh well. I did enjoy laying around, drinking hot chocolate and watching movies today. Just how I wanted to spend a snow day. I hope everyone had a great day!


  1. It's a good snowman, very proportional! Just who were these fourwheeling bandits? I will call the police...for real...jk...but for real!

  2. I think he's a very respectable snowman. Good job.

  3. Is that you all bundled up?
