Monday, March 30, 2009

I'm going to allocate my request

I don't know why but recently I have been pretty crazy about big words. I don't use them very often and on the occasion that I do use them it is probably in the wrong context. Anyway, if we just capitulate to Jesus then everything will be great. Ha ha. That was for Chuck and Sarah and whoever knows what I'm talking about.

Sorry I'm the worst blogger ever. I could have predicted that I would be a slacker with updating. But I do check every ones all the time.

The point of this post is to ask you guys to pray. I have two friends that are most likely coming to church on Wednesday. I'm more nervous about one than the other but either way I know it will be awesome if they can come. I know both of them from when I went to Bearden. I have more of a past with one of them. Janelle and I got involved with a lot of the same stuff together and just did some stupid stuff. I get freaked out when I know that we are going to have to talk about the past and how she can throw it in my face all the things we have done but I was reminded that the cool thing is that Jesus changed me. It is because of Jesus that I'm not into those things anymore. And all the forgiveness stuff, well Jesus is the reason for that too.

Recently I have been able to talk to some people and just be honest and in doing that God opened doors to things that I have never imagined. In being honest with these people it has helped me to start fixing my relationships that are just messed up with other people. Quick example. The other day me and mom were driving down to Chattanooga and we talked about some hard stuff but its helped to start the fixing process. And its just really exciting.

I wish I had a funny story. But I don't. I love all of you guys though!!!


  1. I wish I could be there with you Wednesday! I will pray for you. And I love you. I wanted to say something really funny about you being honest with me but I didn't cause I didn't want everyone to read it but maybe you could figure it out.

  2. Don't stress about Wednesday. Capitulate your worries to God. If it all works out, I'll take you to a buffet and we can swap stories. :)

  3. Sorry. 2nd comment. I re-read your post and thought about alot of the stupid things I've done in my life. Sadly, they haven't all been that long ago.

    But you're right. Only because of Jesus did I see my rebellion. Only because of Him is my life different now. I was drifting and now I'm anchored. I was lonely and now I'm loved. Troubles turned to peace and isolation turned to... you guys.

    Too poetic? Probably.

  4. In the words of Cap'n Barbossa, "I disincline to acquiesce to your request."

    Except I don't really. I will of course pray. Love you!
