Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Note to self.

Learn how to change a flat tire.

Yesterday I had big plans of washing my car and hanging out at the church. I woke up and got ready and drove out of my driveway only to have to turn around. I had a flat tire and I was home alone. I called dad and he said he could be home in about two hours. Oh joy. So I decided I would clean my half of the house.

I have cleaning ADD. It happens every time I try to clean. I will start with hanging up all my clothes and then I will notice that my dresser is really messy. About half way through fixing that problem I walk into another room and realize that there is dust an inch thick on my bed side table but in this same room there are papers that I just need to throw away. So I have to walk to the kitchen to get a trash bag. Then I see the vacuum cleaner. This is my favorite part of cleaning. I can actually finish this job. But this means I have to pick everything up off the floor.

While cleaning I found this box I made when I think I was 10 or 11. Somewhere around there. On it was written "DON'T OPEN UNTIL AGE 21." So of course I opened it. I remember putting things in there that were important to me at the time. Well I start looking through it and the first thing I pull out are pieces of cloth. Hmm...that's important. There are some pictures and beads and ribbon. I'm so glad that those were saved. Finally I found some papers that had names written on them. They were the names I had picked out for my kids. My future kids. They were weird. For one of the guys I had Jimmy. I'm sorry. If I ever name my kid Jimmy please don't let me. Anyway, it was fun seeing how things that were so important to me at that age don't really mean anything at all anymore. I wonder what I have right now that I hold on to that won't mean much in a couple years.


  1. Ha ha ha! That made me laugh really hard.

    You know a weird name I had picked out for my kid when I was younger? Jacy.

  2. This was hilarious... finally another Vlog. lovin it. Keep it comin

  3. You know, my dad's name was Jimmy. Thanks alot.

    I'm just kidding.

    I think we all have many things we are holding onto that are of no importance, material things and emotional things. Those are the things that really keep us from being who we should be.
