Friday, January 2, 2009

Father, dad, & step dads

It is a new year so I guess everyone is writing about what it means. Something I have always struggled with was having a good relationship with my mother. I held her responsible for a lot of things that happened. At times I hated her. This problem led to problems with my relationship with God. Somethimes I was close to letting go but I never really wanted to give up this hate. Over the past couple of weeks I have completely, 100% let go. I no longer hold a grudge and I refuse to let Satan use that to his advantage.

But I believe that all of this has happened for a reason. So I have been asking God to show me why certain people were put into my life. This is what I have come up with.

Charles: God always has a plan. Even when things look as though they can't get any better, they can and will. You can't change the way someone feels. Complaining doesn't help. Family is important. Friends are important. God is important. Church is important. Surrounding yourself with the right people is a good idea.

Ed: Control only works when it is God that is in control. Alchohol never helps anything. Lies always hurt worse when they are found out later than they should have been. Honesty.

Kevin: You can ask for help. Forgiveness is unlimited. Drugs never help anything. Living in someone elses shadow is not what you were meant to do. God has a plan.

Dennis: Crude and crass is not attractive. Waiting is worth it. There is a difference between saying you love God and actually loving God. If you add up your and your spouses divorces and it equals 6 then living together is better than getting married...not.

God: Even through all this mess, God made something beautiful. He is the only one who will not let you down. He doesn't need you but He wants you. When He says you are forgiven, you are forgiven. Everyday God has something new. Grace, mercy, and forgiveness are bigger than you think. Be thankful for what you have becuase at any second it can be taken away from you. There is no such thing as a perfect relationship. Also there are not just two choices when it comes to the out comes of relationships. There is such thing as unconditional love.

Obviously God has shown me so much more and I can't wait to see what else God has in store for me. 2009 is going to be the best year.

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